Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day off

Today is my day off, and since I'm the only one not working today (Natalia and Shen are working on this windy windy day huahuahua) I prefer to spend it at home with some house chores. Yes Mommy, I am neater here than I am at home. Something about staying with two other girls makes me a bit more conscious where I throw my undergarments and where my hair falls. >_<

And also because I had an unexpected TEN FREAKING HOUR shift yesterday, so today I woke up with sore limbs, the worst ever, and with a swollen heel. Good grapes, I have never had those before. Though it's better now since Sandra gave me some Epsom salt soak.

I learned how to close up the shop last night, and it involves a lot of cleaning. You have no idea how messy it gets during working hours: sauces and bacon and cheese and tri tip flying everywhere, fries on the floor, veggies littered on the countertops... bleeahh. The floor during closing is barf-worthy. There's so much crap on the floor I have to make myself tread carefully even though I'm wearing shoes with non-slip soles.

But yeaaaaaa Buckhorn food is goooood hahaha

Not sure if I mentioned this, but I get my Asian food fix by trading food with our next door store, Coriander, a Thai food shop. They have awesome pad thai and thai milk tea. I laik. I think I will eat it on Friday ngeeheehee

Okay Mom if you're reading this, here's how you make fruit and nut salad. When I come back then I make for you okeh

Salad greens
Fruits: Dried apricot, mandarin oranges, apples
Nuts: Walnuts and some other nuts that I don't know
Feta cheese (but I prefer blue cheese)
Honey lime dressing.

Did I miss out anything?

I eat it with this crispy chicken thing, and it's super awesome. So since I eat very unhealthily during dinner (think microwave pizza and mash potato and the like) I try to eat as much greens during the day. And Buckhorn salad helps a lot :)

Okay now I'm waiting for Nat to come back with my pad thai from Coriander. Till next time.

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