Friday, December 3, 2010

My bags are packed, I'm not ready to go

Ohai. First post of my Work and Travel travel log. The title states that I'm not ready to go, cos I am going to miss my family and friends. A lot. Haven't cried yet but I'm expecting the floodgates to open when I'm at the airport tomorrow.

Here's a picture of my luggage. I have a few more items to stuff in before it's considered "fully packed", but the blue luggage is already crazy heavy. I feel my long lost cheerleading muscles making a guest appearance.

I don't really have any tips for packing for a 5 month trip, but like. As long as you have your essentials covered you're good to go. Some heavy stuff that you need to take note of:

  • Toiletries: shampoo, soap, facewash, lotion, makeup remover etc. No need to bring? Go stand in the corner. I don't like changing brands for shampoo and soap because my scalp's pretty sensitive (my hair falls like snowflakes in winter due to excessive blow-drying and stress) and.. I am quite particular with how I smell after a bath.
  • Pills: medication, vitamins etc. Mom insists that I bring multivitamins and bak foong yuen pills, and I nabbed some meds from the clinic I work at (legitimately, of course). Remember to get a letter from your doctor if you're bringing stand-by medicine
  • Winter clothes: bomber jacket, leather jacket, whatever jacket, woolen cardigans etc. Don't put in your carry on cos it's heavy to lug around. Srsly.
  • Foodstuff: errh. I brought Nissin noodles and some packs of curry chicken/nasi lemak sambal mix. I've gone to Canada before and have been deprived of proper chilli during the entire length of my stay, so now I'm more prepared muahaha (fingers crossed there'll be Lingham's in SF)
And like if you are in the midst of purchasing a luggage bag, buy a cloth-type one. It's much lighter. I'm using this blue hard case one Dad bought dunno how many years ago, and it's kinda heavy = ohai overweight charges huhuhu

A backpack is also very useful as carry on because it has super a lot of strings and compartments and whatnot to stuff your... stuff. I got influenced by a friend of mine who brought it to Perhentian, so now I have a 60L one. It's not that necessary to get such a huge backpack but the 50L one came in a not so nice colour so... yeah. I'm narcissistic like that.

That's about it for now. Next update in Changi airport! :)

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