Sunday, December 5, 2010


I've landed safely in San Francisco and am suffering the repercussions of not being able to sleep well for two days. Trying to get some sleep now, but first, updates!

My farewell committee. I didn't know they would miss me so much, and I didn't know I would miss them a lot either. Until I saw KL below me. Felt sad... and almost wanted to jump off the plane but like. A bit impossible hor.

My flight there was not very comfortable, given the long transit hours at Changi airport, and the fact that I get very bad unpasssable gas when I'm on the plane. You know the bloated feeling and the urge to fart, but it doesn't come out cos it's shy? Imagine holding that for 8 hours. Sad.

Plus it didn't help when the Subway sandwich I got at Changi airport turned out half the size a normal Subway sandwich. Lame sauce.

My neck wasn't being nice to me either, hours upon hours attempting to sleep upright. So if you have the same problems as me, remember to bring a good neck pillow (it didn't stop the pain but it sure felt more comfortable) and take a dimenhydrinate pill, if I'm not mistaken. Just go to your local pharmacy and ask them for air sickness pills, they're sure to help you out.

United Airlines at Narita Airport, Tokyo. Love the setting sun effect. It was around 5pm at that time.

After the entire ordeal, Shen and I finally touched down at San Francisco International Airport and we waited for our hosts, Sandra and Gordon Chew. Looking mock sad because they were taking ages to come pick us up. Turns out they're very nice people with a nice home, so that's bound to make living here easier.

The view from the house. Houses here are individually unique, and they're painted in pastel or bright colours. Easier identification when you come home, I suppose. USJ houses should start being painted various different colours. :D

Plus I realised that there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of Asians here. They're everywhere! Climbing in yo windows, snatching yo people up.. and stuff. Looking forward to sampling some Hong Kong or Shanghai food while I'm here.

This is the size of their Carl's Jr small. Yeah. It's the same as our Regular in Malaysia. I ordered some Guacamole Bacon thing that includes an Angus Beef patty, something SF is apparently famous for. I ate half and left it in the kitchen but when I went back to eat it, someone had already threw it away :( Ah well. Now I know to keep my foods in my room.

So that's about it. Things you have to do once touching down:

  • Call your employer
  • Register at the SEVIS site
  • Get a local number
  • Open a bank account
  • Get a monthly bus/train pass
  • Call home!

That's all for now. Gonna continue sleeping.

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