Sunday, December 12, 2010

First day

I got assigned to a cashier post in Buckhorn Grill at the Metreon for my training. It's kinda like the receptionist job I had back in Malaysia, but it's more complicated. I have to remember where everything is on the touch screen monitor and well, if you think just because Americans speak English I should be able to understand them, you're wrong. They speak with a certain drawl, and they speak fast. And they have different ways of saying things too. So like. Yeah. I screwed up a bit but it's all good, better get it out of my system before I actually work at SFC.

SFC is Westfield Shopping Mall, and the Buckhorn outlet there is even busier. The manager, Alex, cited 600-700 customers A DAY for that outlet, so like. Phew. I hope I can get through this four months here.

You may be wondering how difficult it is to press buttons on a monitor to take people's orders... well. It is difficult. Especially when they have so specific requests for a sandwich (like dude it only lasts like 10 minutes and then it's on the way out your no-no hole) but yeah. It's mind opening how someone can actually refuse a serving of steak JUST BECAUSE it's sliced too thin.

It's a good thing that Americans are generally polite. The manager at Metreon, Carol, told a customer that it's my first day, and the customer cheered me on with a "Go, Leeza, GOOOO!!" HAHAHA. And some customers actually are very patient as I slowly look for something on the screen. Awww.

What else has been happening... errh. I just found out how to do my laundry at the house? HAHA. Shen Yee's out for her shift and I'm supposed to get ready to meet her soon. She got her schedule earlier than me because I'm only starting on Monday. We planned to go cycling today because it's forecasted to be sunny today but now it's super foggy and Sandra, our landlady just said that it's crazy cold outside and I should stay home. Unfortunately I didn't bring enough clothes here so I plan to go get more later... so like. Yeah. I guess I have to brave the cold.

Okay I think my laundry's done. Till next time.

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