Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmasing & San Francisco Warriors vs Houston Rockets

Before I begin, Merry Christmas everyone! Best wishes to the New Year ahead too. So here are some pictures of us housemates at Sandra's church's Christmas play. Some pictures are from Natalia and Takahiro. Goodness gracious I have to repair my camera. Mannn.

Their theme was Christma(treblenote)ing. So it was a lot of musical performances and like halfway through the drama, the pastor will come out like so

and lead the congregation in singing Christmas carols. Random but like, carols! Who doesn't like to sing them!

And here we are waiting for the musical to start. Natalia asked "I think I'm the only one who doesn't have *pulls eyes to form Asian squint*" WALAO. So here she is trying to pose as one of us, while we do what we do best, kawaii poses. Heeee.

Takahiro has the weirdest facial expressions.

Multitude of angels.

Shen's been always coming home and reaching for the bottle of Smirnoff we got at a cheap price, so one night Sandra let us have some of her wine. :D

And after the Christmas play, Takahiro asked if we wanted to watch a basketball game so since we had nothing better to do, we bought tickets on that night itself, and on Monday we headed to Oakland after work to watch the Warriors take on the Rockets. Jason has been telling me that SF isn't very good in basketball, but well. As a n00b I think they did pretty well. They were leading at some point so that isn't very bad.

We had dinner at Tokyo Express before the game. Super yummy ramen that is quite worth it, but expensive nonetheless. Food in San Francisco is expensive!!!

Early in the game

Go Warriors! But seriously I think their logo isn't very nice. It has the Golden Gate Bridge on it and I find it not as.... championlike.

Closer shot of the logo with some onanoko. That's girls in Japanese. Gosh are they toned and limber.

During half-time. We were sitting at the same row as this douchebag who kept yelling "YOU GUYS ARE NOT CHEERING THAT'S WHY THE WARRIORS AREN'T WINNING! IF YOU ARE NOT CHEERING THEN WHY DO YOU EVEN GO TO A GAME!!!" And stupid stuff like that. So annoying. And somemore I think he wasn't sitting at his designated place because we had to move over at one point to accommodate some other people.

After the game. Half of the crowd left at the last minute cos they knew that SF is not going to win. But well. I paid 30 dollars for my ticket so I'm sure as heck going to stay there until the guards come chasing!

So at this point the guards were like "GET OUT OF THE STADIUM!" So we ran out HAHA

On a random note, we visited Vertigo somewhere near Van Ness Street (or Avenue hahaha) for a night out during Takahiro's final week here. Note: Drinks in the US are cheap, but kao. Like really kao. We had about four cocktails for 25 dollars. And it's not as lame as the drinks at Laundry where it's so watered down with juice it doesn't even taste like alcohol. Here? Walao. One sip and fuhhh

And we learned a drinking game from Takahiro called "Isanosen" or something. It was fun. No dodgy people at all. And I think it was Indie music night at the bar. First time listening to stuff like that while I'm drinking.

And finally Merry Christmas again! Here's Chew Christmas tree. It's REAL. IT SMELLS LIKE PINE. It'll be a sad day when they take it down.

Till next time.

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