Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can anybody hear me, it feels like I'm talking to myself

So it's me home alone without the two girls again. Sandra and Gordon are out, Everett (Sandra's son) has just gone out, and Song (the other Korean boy) is soon to follow. So if Courtney and Jackie have also gone out, then I AM HOME ALONE ala Macaulay Culkin woohooo time to slap on some aftershave on my cheeks and scream huahuahua

Work yesterday was fun. The holiday crowd had simmered down and we were all walking around talking and *gasp* laughing. I taught Sandy and Jesus (pronounced Haysoos) some Malay words (sayangku, kacak, gila, terima kasih, selamat pagi) and they taught me some Spanish words. Which I forgot. But if you're pissed off at someone you call them Manioso for guys and Maniosa for girls. Heheh. And when I was handing out food to this tallish Asian guy, Alfredo (the night manager) was like "Leezaaaa he's perfect for youuu!!!" And while I was laughing he added "You should have asked him for his number!" After saying the guy is not really my type he said "Even if you don't want him you should still ask him for his number... for me"


Then after work I met Nat and Shen and Jason and Jason's friend, Sun, for dinner. Jason wanted us to meet Sun because she was, get this, MAJORING IN INDONESIAN/MALAYSIAN LANGUAGE. What nonsense. I asked her why, and she said it was because some Indons and Malaysians came into her life and left a huge impact, so she wanted to teach Koreans about Malay culture. Wow. The Malaysian Government will give her a Datukship for that man.

Anyway, dinner consisted of bul go ki and bi bim bap and kimchi soup and other... forgettable Korean food names. Yums.

Okay. Time to go eat some lunch now.


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