Thursday, January 20, 2011

California Academy of Sciences

I stayed in front of the laptop since 9ish in the morning until now. I wanted to go buy some facial stuff from Sephora and shop a bit at H&M but like... Nat made me lazy. Meh. So we opted for a Stay At Home day today :D

Hanyways yesterday was not as wasted, cos we went to the California Academy of Science museum at Golden Gate Park with Janis, my coworker at Buckhorn. She's a Philipino Hawaiian inspired by the Harajukuness of Vivi magazines, so like she has a fox tail and pink hair and falsies all. Happening sial.

I am so attracted to her bright pink hair. I will never have the guts to do that! Though before I left for the US there was this running joke amongst the cell (which I started... why oh why do I start things like these) that I want to dye my hair platinum blonde so that when guys see me from the back they will think I'm some hot ang moh girl then when they tap me on the shoulder I will WHIP MY HAIR and bat my eyelashes saying NI HAOOOO

No that is not going to happen. I am wanting to do something to my hair though. It's been the same style for like... so many years already.

Maybe I'll do red.

Digressed. Anyway so like.. the Academy of Science is so-so.. I prefered the Legion of Honor because it's more artsy and there's less people. We so happened went on a day that it was FREE. Damn happy.

And yeah I was wearing the exact same thing I wore to the Legion. I should make this my museum outfit or something. Sorry lah. I don't have enough clothes. Like really.

Nat has an obsession with bears. Or any animals for that matter.

Super artsy shot Janis took with her iPhone. Walao if this is what the iPhone 4 can do then like I WANT ONE.

So after walking around the aquarium and the rainforest exhibit and watching some quite cool show in the Planetarium, we decided to go eat something. But we were at the Golden Gate park so we stopped by at Shakespeare Garden

It's like this smallish garden that is really peaceful. If they had power plugs and a coffee machine then it would be a perfect study area.

Candid shot of me and Nat. Those are the boots I bought from H&M for only $20! :D

And the other day, I can't remember when, we went to meet this guy that Nat met from her English class. We had some drinks in some random bar at North Beach.

He's Brazilian too, and like my hair sucks here. Boo.

Yeah all these pictures are either from Janis or Nat. But not to worry, my new camera's on it's way so I should be having more pictures to upload on Facebook! *jumps around*


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