Sunday, January 23, 2011

Work Updates

Ugggghhh I'm so miserable right now but the girls and Andy are not at home.. so I guess I shall blog.

Anyway, work has been sort of looking up because Buckhorn hasn't been very busy ever since the holidays ended, ergo more friendly and less insane co-workers. Plus I am now assigned to the cashier whenever there's a need, or like. I hand out samples for passers-by to try to convince them to eat our food. So that also means I don't have to face the drama that is happening in the food line. The grass is actually greener on the other side.

The down side about work now, and it's a huge downer, is that my hours are being cut left right and centre. Gone are the days of 10 hour shifts. Enter the days of 5 hour shifts, 4 days a week, and me literally begging Alfredo to let me stay a while more so I can clock out later. And he's being a doll from all this because he lets me stay even though my hours are done. But like. IT'S NOT ENOUGH

And to add salt to the gaping hole of a wound in my employment life is THIS ECONOMY. IN THIS ECONOMY it's nearly impossible to find another job unless you have considerable work experience in the particular field. Or that they want you to enter into a year-long contract WHICH I CANNOT DO. OH MY GOSH

I am freaking out right now like a teenager who got her first period. Okay maybe not that dramatic. But like. HELLO. NO MONEY. HOW TO BUY iPOD. HOW TO GO NEW YORK. HOW TO GO HAWAII. HAAAALLLPPP

But yeah I like cashiering. It lets me interact with people who actually speak English. And like at least I'm not talking to myself as much.

All this hullabaloo is because I am supposed to work tomorrow as usual but I found out today that my hours got liquid papered off the work schedule. WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS. If they can liquid paper my hours THEN CAN I LIQUID PAPER THEIR HOURS ALSO. Gahhh this is so unfaiirrrr *whines*

Plus it's not like I'm not trying to get another job. I've been submitting resumes like a farmer sowing corn or like an aunty handing out flyers to a manicurist EVERY SINGLE DAY since I realised that I'm in dire need of cash. I've been trying as hard as I can. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough? Should I go stalk the manager of Panda Express and beg him to give me a job or stake out in a Starbucks to get a barista job or like scream at some people in Tokyo Express or Sanraku until they employ me? TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO.


I veli sad can die dot com.

So how is everything back in Malaysia?

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