Saturday, March 19, 2011

St Patrick's Day + Other randomness

YEAHHHH FINALLY my pictures can be uploaded to this otherwise sad wordy blog. Heh.

So yeah.. I got myself an iPod touch after years and years and years of wanting one. I finally get to buy one with my hard earned money! *overjoyed* But then that meant that I didn't have enough money to buy food for the next two weeks.. but it was all good. Investment, no?

And then I got this Hipstamatic app to play with... and it does take really pretty shots. I think I'm going to restart my Tumblr just for the Hipstamatic prints. Like Harry! :D Then we can like compare Hipstamatic pics like the geeks that we are.

Wait digress abit. I Face-Timed with Harry that other night, and the first 20 minutes of our conversation was ALL ABOUT APPLE AND IPODS AND MACS AND APPS. I'm turning into that kind of person. :/

At the UN Plaza during the St Patrick's Day fair.

I really wanted to get some typical Irish food since it was St Patty's, but like. Look. Italian sausage. Greek Gyros. Garlic French fries. Polish sausage. Even the fish and chips are from the UK!

So Zimsen and I got ourselves an Irish potato knish, which is sort of like a potato patty with spinach. Good, but overpriced. What to do right.

Decked out in green garbs, chugging on some Irish beer.

Random float we found on Market Street on the way to Union Square where I was supposed to meet Roman

Shuttle bus to Haight Ashbury, the hippie spot in San Francisco. SzeMing, ZimSen and I were sunning ourselves on the steps of Union Square for more than an hour. Apparently there was a car accident that stalled many Muni trains, including the one Roman was in. -___-"

Yeah. That was all last week.

It was ZimSen's 23rd yesterday, so SzeMing brought us to Kome's for dinner. We had super delicious crabs and sushi and oysters... and then we watched Battle: Los Angeles. It was a boring movie to me.. I didn't feel like there was any connection to the characters whatsoever, and the action scenes were just that... action. No emotion. I spent $11 on an action flick where I almost fell asleep. Aduh.

We also had a farewell party for Andy the night before, which was in conjunction with Gordon's brother's birthday and the actual St Patrick's Day. I've hadn't had such good food for such a long time, even though it was only hot links, corn beef and mash potato. But like. RICE. The only time I eat rice now is when I go to Hawaiian Drive Thru for the BBQ chicken combo, or like. If Sandra has dinner parties. :/

I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to Andy :( He's still hanging around in San Francisco though, so I might get a chance to see him again. I hope.

I will leave you to some random pictures I took on my way back from work.

While waiting for the MUNI outside San Francisco State University. I'm going to miss walking in every week day, scurrying to Jessie's Hot House, avoiding looks from other students just in case they jump me and ask me for a discount lol

Walking home. This stretch of road is the worst when I'm really tired, but I guess it really works out the hamstrings. I hope I get compliments on how toned my ass is when I get back. Ngeehee

Okay I'm off to spam Roman's phone with missed calls. What good is there if you have an iPhone but you drop it so many times that it isn't even capable of receiving calls and texts you tell me. Graargh. If this keeps up I'm heading over to his place tomorrow to drag him to the Exploratorium. I'm not going to go to that kid place alone okay!

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