Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Please excuse the lack of images

Uh... yeahhh..


I was supposed to upload some Yosemite pictures, but after countless failed attempts on uploading it with Blogger, I gave up and stuck them into the Facebook album instead.

It's been a while since I blogged, and well. I'm finding it tough stringing words together. Or maybe cos it's late and I need to sleep now so I can function properly at work tomorrow... but well. Work has been very slow lately and I find myself slowing down the pace of cleaning my worktops just so I have SOMETHING to do instead of spacing out and looking at Ruben prepare chicken tenders or Cesar peel prawns.

Yeah. There's nothing much to say, except that I am beginning to feel nostalgic every time I walk to the bus stop in the morning, because I know that I am going to miss all the quaint, pastel coloured houses and the chill in the air that I'm accustomed to.

And of course, the people. I'm already missing Natalia and Takahiro to bits, and Andy will follow soon after. Our favourite Gay Pooh partner is leaving us this week, and it won't be the same without having him say "Hello," in his deep voice everytime he comes up to the kitchen. Heck drinking at home won't be the same without us clambering down to his basement room for some drunken parties. :(

It's not the same without Natalia saying "Read the tickettttttt!" every time I wake her up in the morning. Or having her countless bottles of facial products littering the bathroom counter. Or having her say "It's impooooosssiiiibllleeeee" or "It's terrible" or "It's beaaaaauuuutiiifuuuullll" every time she needs to describe something. It's not the same going about town without her tagging along, or me tagging along while she does some whirlwind shopping.

I miss Nat a lot :(

Ok back to what has been happening around here.

Found a boardgame shop in West Portal so I went there with Janis two Friday nights ago. I am going to buy back a Fluxx game, that's fo sho. I highly doubt I'm going back to another game night, since I found out that one of my least favourite persons here in San Francisco (her name starts with Deb and ends with orah) hangs there frequently. The reason why I don't like her will be told in another post. Or maybe I will not even write why I hate her because she is not even worth the blog space. But yeah. Other than that the night was fun. Janis is super sporting and like. Wow. What I would to without her T3T

I went to the Oakland Museum of California two weekends ago with Roman, since it was raining so our plans of biking across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito has to be scrapped, and SzeMing didn't want to brave the hour-long ride to Oakland.

The museum is SUPER AWESOME. It's JUST what I wanted, history of California, works of art that isn't super modern (I cannot stand minimalist pieces because I have trouble dicipher(?)ing its meaning) and like. Wow. I LOVED IT.

Then Roman brought me to the movies so we can watch I Am Number Four (it sucks btw.). Had a few rounds of DDR while waiting for the movie to start, and yeah. A Polish guy beat me at DDR. And it's supposed to be like, an Asian game. Oh gosh Juan, I have let you and MeiShi down *hangs head*

On another day, SzeMing brought Frank and I to Lombard Street (the crookedest and most wuliao-est street in the world) and we got to ride the cable car :D It wasn't that pretty so I think I need to pay it another visit before I leave, since flowers are beginning to bloom.

Oh and last weekend I went to the St Patrick's Day parade at Civic Center with SzeMing and Zimson (I hope I got your name right). Then we hung out at Union Square, waiting for Roman for TWO HOURS. But that was sort of fruitful because we got to see random, and I mean RANDOM nude cyclists. It's some group where they just cycle around on bikes... nude. I saw so many penises, bare asses and boobs that day... T___T Then I brought Roman to Japantown to hang out before ending the night with sakebombs. Keyphrase: I brought Roman. Dude has been staying in San Francisco for three years and I seem to be the one bringing him around -___-" But I love Japantown. It's like. Thank you Janis for introducing me to that place. The place of good Thai tea and crepes... and Palty hair dye and Pocky sticks T3T

I must have just bored you to tears with this wordy post. Sorry. Pictures will be up... if I'm hardworking enough to photoshop it and webshot it.

But yeah. I'm fine here, and I am super looking forward to coming back to friends and family. Fo'shizzle.

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