Friday, April 1, 2011

Wonder Con!

So instead of going to Haight today, I remembered that Janis had plans to go to Wonder Con. After a super disgustingly unhealthy lunch of Carl's Jr (to get carb points) we walked to Moscone Center to see some real life geeks. Not to be derogatory... but like. Camannn. One store had this slogan "For geeks by geeks." Just sayin

Janis got a day pass from one of the convention-goers who was done with it, so instead of paying $25, my pass was $10. The dude who sold it to us was like "This is legit, fo'sho". I felt slightly more gangsta after that. Just kidding.

She got her pass from her boyfriend so like. We shared the $10 pass so I only paid $5 to enter! Nais.

Posters! I wanted a Harry Potter one but then... it would be a hassle to pack.

Spot bare arse.

We spotted this commotion at the Green Lantern booth, so we tried to walk over to check it out. Apparently Green Lantern himself, Ryan Reynolds, was there for the movie promo. Since I couldn't get a clear picture of him (security kept telling us to move along so as to not block the way) but it's okay, cos I got a glimpse of him. In real life, he looks like any other normal cute ang moh boy.

So yeah. First celebrity encounter woopwoop

We kinda bumped into this Ugly Doll three times, so I decided that we should at least take a picture with it.

Then I saw this. Potter Puppet Pals! So cute that I just HAD to take a picture with them :)

Random people dressed up for Wonder Con walking by Metreon

We were hungry so we had Denny's for dinner. While waiting for food we decided to pose with our purchases

Meet Chlamydia. It's an STD plushie I found at a booth that I thought would be perfect for Harry, since he's studying microbiology and like viruses and stuff... and his favourite colour is green.

After Janis bought this I asked her why. "I like toys!" she said defensively. It's like those egg thingies you get in those machines where you turn a dial and the egg comes out? You get what I mean right. But yeah. It's quite useful if you have like... tictacs or some jewelry to bring around or whatevs. *trying to justify Janis' purchase for her*

It was fun going to Wonder Con, but I feel like it isn't worth the $25. If I had paid the full amount I would definitely be kicking myself right now. Because it's super not worth it if you're me in a convention like this! I think I've lost any artsy fartsy bone in my body, so when I see super creative stuff, I just see it as that. Not as inspiration. Man. I should start drawing again.

Righto. Till next time!

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