Tuesday, April 26, 2011

At Waikiki Beach

I haven't been updating this blog as often as I should, but then blame it on my hectic schedule of going about, trying to cover as many sites in each city I've visited.

So far, the ONLY thing I've lost/left behind are these two v-neck baby tees, one black, one white I <3 NY shirts. I planned to give one to Sya, but like. I left them at The Wanderer's Inn cos I was in a rush to catch my airport shuttle. And the worst part is, the shirts cost me $20, when the ciplak versions only cost $3. SADS.

Anyway, out of all the cities I've been to, I think New York is the most intriguing. The hustle and bustle of Manhattan as people rush around, Harlem where its stoops look like the set of Little Bill (an old Nickelodeon show I used to watch), Central Park and its trees with cobwebb-like branches, and Fifth Avenue. Oh gosh. I SO wanna be a tai tai.

I didn't really like Los Angeles, maybe because I expected so much more, and since its public transport is somewhat limited, I was kinda constrained to only visit places that were near the train station.

And Hawaii. Major difference from the empire state I flew in from. Hawaii is so serene, its sprawling beaches and glimmering turquoise seas relaxed me. I've obtained some pretty nasty sunburns on my back and shoulders from laying under the sun too much, and not knowing how to apply sunblock properly. Though, I don't think I'd want to come back here. Malaysia's beaches are sufficient for me.

And who can forget San Francisco. I think you'd know by now I've fallen in love with that city. I can really imagine myself staying there long term, because it has so many things to see and do. I didn't get the chance to really dive into the artsy scene, and well. If I ever get a chance to go back I definitely will.

I don't know how to resume life in Malaysia now. HAHA

But I am definitely going to grab me some chilli pan mee when I touch down in KL this Friday y'all!

Pictures will be up when I'm in the comfort of my own bedroom, with Ernie under my feet :)

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