Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Okay so the most extreme thing I've witnessed in San Francisco was the first night Andy, Natalia, Shen, her cousin and I went out to Polk Street.

Polk Street's famous for bars (make sure you drop by Vertigo or Shamrock, cos those were the only two places I tried out) but since we went on a Saturday right after Natalia's work... there were crazy lines outside the doors of these two pubs, so we decided to call it a night and buy liquor.

So we were at this liquor store at the corner of Geary and Polk, I think, and I noticed this weird looking homeless dude shuffling outside the store. He was wrinkly looking, and there were bald patches on his head. He muttered to himself angrily as he padded around aimlessly with his worn out shoes.

We avoided him and went into the store. What did we buy? Liquor la DUH.

While Shen and her cousin were paying, Nat, Andy and I stood near the entrance of the store (we were still inside) so as to not block the way.

So in front of the queue was this father and his two daughters, one was a toddler and the other slightly older. After paying and grabbing his things, (i)obviously(/i) he went out the store. He warned his kids to stay close to him, as he noticed the homeless druggie from before. True enough, the druggie started coming closer to the kids, wanting to touch them. "I hate you! I really hate you!" he started saying angrilly to the father, trying to grab hold of the youngest daughter.

She squealed.


I am not making this up.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN!!!!" the father yelled, aiming a flying kick right at the druggie's chest.

WHOMP. The druggie flew backwards from the impact.

The girls started crying as the father herded them away to safety.

Druggie started yelling profanities at them.

"I don't want to go out nowwww!" I whined at Andy as he chuckled. "This is insaaaaane!" he said, sounding astounded.

Apparently he and I were the only ones in our posse to witness the drama, cos Natalia's back was turned (she heard the kick) and Shen and her cousin were busy paying for our party fuel.

So yeah that was THE most crazy thing I have witnessed in SF.

Today I was riding the train in LA. I'm staying with my cousin, so I had to go places alone. Renting a car was out of the question, and so was borrowing their car, ahahaha.

So yeah I was in the train today, passing by Compton (it is SO much more scarier than Tenderloin. It's not sketchy. It's just plain scary. Like the fear of me getting beaten up cos I WAS THE ONLY ASIAN ON THE TRAIN) and well. Apparently there was this woman who was sitting next to an empty seat, and this dad wanted to let his young daughter sit, and apparently she didn't move over or accidentally kicked the daughter or something... then... all hell broke loose.

Like they were full on fighting. He was yanking her hair, she was kicking him, they were struggling... some Good Samaritan-looking Mexicans were trying to help break up the fight and all...

And the shouting. Oh my gosh. I was so scared everyone will jump into the forray and start fighting each other. The woman next to me was yelling "She always causin trouble, she from the shelter, I remember her! DON'T LET HER GET AWAY! Beat her ass!" Wtf

At the next stop, he GRABBED her and yanked her off the train station. Seconds later, security came rushing to break it up.


Then like on the way back, there was almost a fight because some guy accidentally kicked this other guy's foot, causing the kicker to trip slightly. They really looked like they were gonna start punching each other.

Mannnn why so kancheong one United Staaaates

1 comment:

  1. ahahahah! omg, this post was a crack uppp. I had mental pictures in my head of your descriptions. very nice! btw, i am scared to comment in your chatbox already. too much spam!
