Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anticipate snow and you get it = best. feeling. ever.

So throughout this past week people have been talking about the chances of snowfall right in San Francisco. Apparently the last time it snowed here was about 50 years ago, so it was a pretty big thing.

So two nights ago, snow finally fell on Twin Peaks. I wasn't around to witness it, though. Andy and Giuseppe had plans to drive to Yosemite Park, and since I have weekends off now I decided to join them on their mini road trip. And it was snowing there! Super awesome.

Dang it. Andy just told me they're going to take the car around San Francisco before returning it to the rental today. So I better get ready.

Will finish this post soon!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In The Hot House

So I kinda dumped Safeway and now I'm working at this place called Jessie's Hot House. It's in the SF State Uni, and I AM LOVING IT. So far.

We sell southern soul food, so lotsa stuff are cajun style fried. Like fried chicken. And fried potato (otherwise known as french fries). And fried corn bread. And fried fish. And fried whateverness. AND MAC AND CHEESE. Mmm mm mmm. *layer of blubber magically appears on top of belly*

I'm assigned cashiering duties, so besides working the cash register, I'm cleaning the cafe up. Which is kinda what I like doing, given my current obsession with cleaning.

Today Candace the Cashier commented that I am the first worker that hates breaks. But like. I really do hate taking one-hour breaks. It's like. I eat for 20 mins, then what am I supposed to do for the next 40? Obviously I cannot take a nap right. The sink or the fryer is not a good place to rest.

I love my bosses (husband/wife combo). They are super nice African-Americans, and they even compliment me on my work performance *starry eyed* Robert the Manager told me today that he doesn't believe that I can go wild. Well. I almost wanted to slap a DUH sign on his face because OBVIOUSLY who wants to go crazy in front of their boss? Siao ah. But I guess that's a hint that I'm being too quiet for my own good again.

Also, the line cooks are not insane twins from Mexico or a tall mustachioed man who looks like he should be in a porno or a PMSey woman who unfortunately shares the same name as my landlady. One's from El Salvador, the other... I have yet to find out. But they're really nice guys. Cesar and Ruben. Funny thing is they look alike, but they're not related to each other.

And an added perk would be that my workplace is walking distance from where Sze Ming lives. So that's why today I walked over to his place so he could bring Frank and me on a tour to Lombard Street and Chinatown.

So yeah. Things are looking up. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh hello. I almost forgot this existed.


So what has happened during the past few weeks?

1. I got laid off from Buckhorn Grill.
I am no longer working there because of the assholeyness of the management and their incompetence of planning a schedule correctly. Sucks to the high and mighty manager who literally (and this is in the words of the General Manager) laid me off because if they just kick out Natalia, SHE WOULD BE JEALOUS OF ME IF I STILL HAD A JOB. What shit they are feeding me on a sirloin platter I tell you. Next to the mash potato and roasted veggies is a heaping pile of Let's-bring-international-students-here-under-a-four-month-contract-then-pull-them-out-of-the-schedule-after-a-month-and-a-half SHITPILE.

2. I was an unemployed useless person for a few weeks
Looking for a job in San Francisco is difficult IN THIS ECONOMY. Ugh. There were times I woke up, looked at Natalia and then with a heavy sigh, proceeded to call CHI (my agent in the US) to tell them they're being so stupid to believe the managers of Buckhorn over me, call for interviews, call managers of Buckhorn who are idiots, call whoever. Mehs.

3. Natalia left for Brazil
Because she couldn't find a job here. I feel so bad for her yet... I think it was a good thing she went back because she hasn't had the best time here. Although I miss her a lot :(

4. I got hired at Safeway
Thus ends the life of Unemployed Leeza

5. Uh.

Okay more updates soon. My hair is in the stages of being Namacaramel Latte-fied, and pics will be up soon, I promise.